PG Mall Spree#1 ~ Shipment Arrived
Shipment Arrived
Seller charge TW1045 however when received I saw shipping only TW875 so will claim from seller the balance of TW170..^o^..
Total 5.88kg = TW875/22 = S$39.77/4,880g = S$0.0082/g
Total weight = 2,440g*0.0082 = $20.01
Total: [1,120/22 (ex.rate) + $20.01 (shipping)] * 4.5%(paypal) + $3.60(handling after 10%) = $77.71
Kindly make payment of $(77.71 - 66.90) = $10.81 & advise me the follow ya..^o^..
Hi dear as your items weight is more then 2kg, SingPost charge as spreepost which cost $9.15 so would you like to sell collect? Or perhaps I can search for a cheaper courier & advise you the amount?
Total weight = 720g*0.0082 = $5.90, Register = $5
Total: [449/22 (ex.rate) + $5.90 (shipping)] * 4.5%(paypal) + $2(handling) + $5(register) = $34.49
Kindly make payment of $(34.49 - 28.41) = $16.08 & advise me your mailing address ya..^_^..
Total weight = 800g*0.0082 = $6.56
Total: [419/22 (ex.rate) + $6.56 (shipping)] * 4.5%(paypal) + $2(handling) = $28.76
Kindly make payment of $(28.76 - 27.05) = $1.71 & PM me your contact no. for the meet-up ya..^_^..
Thanks for the supportLabels: PG Mall spree